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HKDK doktorantide nimekiri seisuga 10.02.2011

Tartu Ülikoolis projekti vältel kaitstud tööd


Liina Lepp The objectives of doctoral studies and factors influencing doctoral study process from the perspectives of different parties

Maie Soll The Ethnic Identity of Russian-speaking Students in Estonia in the Context of Educational Change

Reelika Suviste Students’ mathematics knowledge and skills, and its relations with teachers’ teaching and classroom management practices: Comparison between Estonian- and Russian-language schools

Regina Soobard A study of gymnasium students’ scientific literacy development based on determinants of cognitive learning outcomes and self-perception

Marge Täks Engineering students' experiences of entrepreneurship education : a qualitative approach

Pilve Kängsepp Küsimuste kasutamine kui võimalus toetada õpilaste arusaamist loetust


Katrin Kello The functions and contexts of general education history teaching: social and professional representations in Estonia and Latvia

Mario Mäeots Inquiry-based learning in a web-based learning environment: a theoretical framework of inquiry-based learning processes



Marvi Remmik Novice University Teachers’ professional development and learning as a teacher: Opportunities and Conditions at Estonian Higher Education Institutions

Anu Sarv Õppejõu eneserefleksioon ja professionaalne identiteet.

Katrin Vaino A case study approach to effect change of chemistry teacher beliefs for enhancing students’ scientific literacy




Anne Laius A longitudinal study of science teacher change and its impact on student change in scientific creativity and socio-scientific reasoning skills

Pille Häidkind Tests for assessing the child’s school readiness and general development. Trial of the tests on the samples of pre-school children and first-grade students in Estonia

Heiki Krips Õpetajate suhtlemiskompetentsus ja suhtlemisoskused

Piret Soodla Picture-Elicited Narratives of Estonian Children at the Kindergarten-School Transition as a Measure of Language Competence

Karmen Trasberg Keskkooli- ja gümnaasiumiõpetajate ettevalmistus Eesti Vabariigis (1918-1940) õpetajakoolituse ajaloolise kujunemise kontekstis 



Mairi Männamaa Word Guessing Test as measure of verbal ability. Use of the test in different contexts and groups

Anu Palu Algklassiõpilaste matemaatikaalased teadmised, nende areng ja mõjutavad tegurid

Krista Uibu Teachers’ roles, instructional approaches and teaching practices in the social-cultural context

Marika Padrik Word-formation skill in Estonian children with specific language impairment